Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to ruin a good thing

Last time I checked 1) San Francisco has effortlessly lived up to our "Only in San Francisco" tagline and 2) we are in a down economy and really need some "cheap thrills." Well, don't count on Bay to Breakers for that in 2009. The editor (aka "fearless leader") of GGMG newsletter (which I write features for) just informed me at tonight's meeting of Bay to Breakers "new improvements and policies." Their language is pretty strong considering "improvements" are based on interpretation and are therefore largely subjective. Thoughts?

I can't even fathom that the Castro Halloween event has been cancelled two years in a row ( They say it is gone for good, but I am in denial. I only went once (and I was preggers, so no drinky poos), but I have never laughed so hard in my life. Pure shock value. And...that event was just one of those San Francisco happenings that make this city so unique and raw. I have always been proud that SF is diverse and that you can go do your professional duties by day, you know...your "real job"...yet dip in to the craziness that is SF at night. Of course, this doesn't occur much for me now that I have two little ones under the age of three. My life is much more linear. But I like the option to get crazy if need be!

While I refuse to say goodbye to the Halloween festivities that are SF history, I can let go of B2B. As a matter of fact, I am already embracing my change of heart. This year, I won't stand on my balcony watching the passersby and thinking to myself "next year I MUST sign up, and run with the kids, and a keg too!" Really, without the nudity and alcohol, Bay to Breakers is just another opportunity to get or stay fit. And let's face it, the booze and lack of clothing were the only reasons I ever entertained the idea to begin with! Now, I just need to figure out where I can be that day instead, don't want my car to get blocked in the garage.

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