Saturday, October 25, 2008

Learn to laugh with your kids

As I sat there trying to nurse my infant daughter, my son decided he needed to crawl right up next to us. We never need to turn on the TV, because my 2 year old is all the entertainment I need. Adam proceeded to include me in his imaginary world.

Adam: "Look over there Mommy, the for fust aminals"
Me: "What are you saying Adam?"
Adam: "The for fust aminals are over there by the bookcase"
Me: "Ah, the farm animals are over there?"
Adam: "No Mom, the forest animals"
Me: "Oh, forest animals (now I am laughing). What kind of animals are there?"
Adam: "Um, a bear. A deer"
Me: "Oh, I see"

As I am trying to focus on feeding my daughter, Adam starts in to a full fledged conversation with his forest animals, and he is almost in hysterics.

Adam: "Stop forest animals, that is my cake"
He repeats this several times then "Mommy, tell them that's Adam's cake"
Me: "Stop forest animals (now this is getting real crazy) that is Adam's cake"
Adam: "Stop animals, stop!!. That's mines, that's Adam's cake"

Adam is getting louder and louder, and more upset by the moment. His sister, Jamison, is having a hard time focusing on nursing because Adam is going crazy. I am laughing so hard, I can't blame Jamison for being distracted from eating.

Adam: "Aw man (Adam finally calms down, now he speaks slowly). The forest animals ate my cake"
And he finishes off like any son of mine would "Dammit"

I am now rolling with laughter. And I vow, I must buy a journal to write down these wonderful, and hilarious jaunts into make-believe my son takes me on.

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