Sunday, November 2, 2008

Learn from the Non-Mommy

Before I react to something that has been done or said to offend me, I always pause to consider why someone would do or say such a thing. It is very helpful to forgive, if you can try to understand why something has occurred. Of course, being an eternal optimist, I usually give everyone way too much slack.

So last night, my family and I were out to dinner. A quick meal at the gourmet food court in Westfield San Francisco Centre I ran off to get my choice in cuisine as Aaron and Adam decided on Japanese food. I got beef and noodles at Out The Door (new website coming: and a very strong Vietnamese coffee, YUM!

It was at Out the Door where I was verbally abused by the "non-mommy." It started when I was ordering and her rather attractive hubby walked over and admired Jamison in the ERGO baby carrier. Jamison couldn't have cared less, as she was nodding off. The husband went on and on about what a beautiful baby she was. After a few minutes, his wife who was quite attractive came over. He continued to gush, and she was not as interested at all. He said "Honey, isn't she adorable" and she hesitated with a non-enthusiastic "Yeah, she is cute." I had to say something now, it was getting awkward. I asked "Oh, do you have any children?" She said "No" and I said "Oh, well that means you have some time to enjoy yourself still."

I was trying to highlight the positives of being childless, since her husband was still admiring Jamison and I was still feeling weird. And then, she said it...and I struggle to understand why any woman would say something like this. She piped in (even when I was ALREADY trying to make her feel good about herself) "Oh yes, I have plenty of time." And as she looked up at me with a menacing smile, she continued "I can even put on make-up and blow dry my hair." hateful!

As I headed back to my family, I struggled to walk for a moment in her shoes. Maybe she really wants kids, and can't. Maybe she doesn't want kids, and can't stand them. Then Jamison woke up and stared in to my eyes, and simultaneously Aaron and Adam came in to view. They were smiling and enjoying Japanese food together...I thought "You know, I don't care why she would say such a thing. I would rather be make-up free with my naturally curly, air-dried hair any day, if I can continue to have moments like this with my family." It is so worth it...


Becky Allen said...

That is why I am so very proud of you, you are you and don't let anyone take that from you.

auntie jessica said...

Bad Vibes! However, a very reasonable and composed response is sure to send a great example to your adorable lil' tots. Bravo! Besides she's probably a hater on your natural beauty anyways.

Love Auntie Jessica

joseph said...

jealous much?